Thursday, February 21, 2008

Can Drinking Water Get Rid of Cellulite?

I'm often asked, "Can drinking water get rid of cellulite?" The answer is both yes and no. By itself no, drinking more water can't get rid of cellulite if you are relying on that alone. However, in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise, water can go a long way in helping to get rid of cellulite.

Water helps flush the body's system and it also helps to carry away waste products and toxins from all the cells. Water is vital to your overall health and is very effective in aiding weight loss as well as cellulite reduction.

How much water should you drink each day to aid in getting rid of cellulite? The bare minimum is 2 liters or 2 quarts. If you exercise vigorously on a daily basis, and you should, you could require up to a 4 liters or one gallon of water per day.

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