Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Why Can't I Get Rid Of Cellulite?

Many women diet and exercise religiously and still they wonder, "Why can't I get rid of cellulite"? If you can relate to this, then I have some good news and bad news for you. The good news is that you CAN get rid of cellulite, the bad news is that in order to get rid of cellulite permanently you are going to have to take a brutally honest look at your diet.

Diet is the KEY factor in both cellulite production as well as cellulite removal. If you have stubborn cellulite that just doesn't want to budge, then take a look at these daily habits which will derail the most strict diet and exercise plan.

Coffee, Tea, Regular and Diet Soda - Do you drink any or all of these on a daily basis? Caffeine is hard for the liver to process. Anything that makes the liver's job more difficult will ultimately make cellulite reduction difficult if not impossible. The solution is to wean yourself off caffeine. Drink herbal tea if you need something hot in the morning. Make coffee, tea and soda an occasional treat rather than a daily habit until you are happy with the way you look.

Sweets - Do you sneak a treat more often than you should? You should only be treating yourself once per month. The combination of sugar and fat in candies and pastries is deadly to getting rid of cellulite. Once again, it's tough on the liver to process. If you seriously crave sweets, the only treat you should eat is Dark Chocolate
. I mean really dark chocolate that is about 80% cocoa. Anything less will ruin your efforts to get rid of cellulite.

Alcohol - If you're trying to get rid of cellulite, this is a huge no-no! Beyond the fact that alcohol is full of empty calories, it reduces liver function.

In case you haven't noticed, liver function plays a very large part in your efforts to get rid of cellulite naturally and permanently.

Learn even more about how to get rid of cellulite permanently - Click Here

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