Friday, April 25, 2008

Effective Cellulite Treatments Begin With This...

Effective cellulite treatments should all begin with good nutrition!

Does that surprise you? Well it shouldn't. Think about this...

Bodybuilders and fitness models are some of the most muscular and cellulite free individuals you will ever see. Even if you don't aspire to be that muscular you can still steal their best secret for getting a cellulite free body.

What are they absolutely fanatical about?

Nutrition! This is even more important to them than weight lifitng. They count every calorie, measure and weigh their food (especially if they are getting ready to compete). They are constantly fiddling with their diet in order to get it just right for their particular metabolic type.

Why do they do this?

Because they know the secret to getting and maintaining a cellulite free and/or muscular figure is good nutrition.

When attempting to lose weight, get rid of cellulite, or add muscle your diet (what goes in your mouth every time you site down to eat) is 80% responsible for the results you see...or don't see.

Here's the breakdown...

Nutrition - 80%
Exercise - 10%
Genetics - 10% (Although you can't change this, you can use the other 90% to make the most of what you have.)

This means if you want to get rid of cellulite, the first thing you should concentrate on is cleaning up your diet. But this can be easier said than done because counting calories and getting the right protein/carb/fat ratio for your own body type can be tricky.

Most diets don't allow you to get that specific without a lot of complicated calculations. This is where a good meal planning software program can come in handy. You can feed the program your stats such as age, weight, height, gender, and even body fat percentage. Choose the foods you enjoy and hit calculate!

The program will then return a week's worth of cellulite removing meals based on your individual body type. You can change your meals each week based on the results you get. This way it's easy to keep yourself on track.

Download Meal Plans 101 and take your cellulite removal to the next level!

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