Monday, April 7, 2008

Foods That Get Rid of Cellulite -10 Best Protein Choices

Foods high in protein should be a staple of every person's diet, and this is particularly true if you're trying to get rid of cellulite.

Besides being absolutely essential in helping your body build sleek, sexy muscles. A person who chooses lean protein sources on a regular basis will generally have less cellulite, especially if this is combined with a consistent exercise program

So, the question becomes, "What are the healthiest, leanest, and tastiest protein sources?" Below is a list of the 10 best protein choice foods that get rid of cellulite. Vegetarian? We've got you covered too with a mix of non-meat products, so no excuses!

Chicken Breast - 3.5 oz., 30 grams of protein (choose the 99% fat-free boneless, skinless variety)
Turkey - About 7 grams of protein per ounce
Tuna - 6 oz. can, 40 grams of protein
Salmon - 3.5 oz., 27 grams of protein
Eggs - 1 large, 7 grams of protein
Milk - 1 cup, 8 grams of protein (Go with 1% or skim)
Cottage Cheese - 1/2 cup, 15 grams of protein
Almonds - 1/4 cup, 8grams of protein
Peanuts - 1/4 cup, 9 grams of protein
Cashews - 1/4 cup, 5 grams of protein
Peanut Butter - 2 Tablespoons, 8 grams of protein
Yogurt - 8-12 grams of protein per cup (buy the plain, non-fat variety)

This is just the tip of the iceberg in what you need to know to get rid of cellulite permanently. Learn how you can be Cellulite Free Forever

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